
Nanjing Medical University, China

Yi Miao

Nanjing Medical University, China

Periarterial divestment has been applied for arterial invasion in pancreatic tumor surgery. Interestingly, this procedure unexpectedly resulted in a drop in blood pressure that caught our attention. This discovery, almost like a lucky gift, sparked interest in the potential therapeutic application of periarterial divestment for hypertension. The technique may involve resection of the celiac ganglia, key regulators  of the splanchnic sympathetic innervation. Celiac ganglia neurolysis (CGN) was confirmed to effectively reduce blood pressure in patients, highlighting the potential of CGN as an alternative therapy for hypertension. CGN was also  successfully performed in both essential and salt-sensitive hypertension rat models, leading to a persistent decrease in blood pressure and sympathetic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activity, as well as an increase  in nitric oxide levels. CGN's targeting of the sympathetic nervous system draws internists’ interest for its potential to manage conditions such as heart failure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, and pain relief.