
National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Spain

Francisco Paco Real

National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Spain

Paco trained as a medical oncologist at Memorial Hospital, New York, where he became staff physician. He returned to IMIM, Barcelona, in 1988 where he set up a new research program in cancer cell and molecular biology. In 2003, he became Professor of Cell Biology at UPF. In 2007, he joined the CNIO where he is a Senior Group Leader. Over the last 30 years, his laboratory has focused on the study of the cell and molecular biology of pancreatic and bladder cancer. In pancreatic cancer, his group pioneered that notion that cell differentiation is first tumor suppressive mechanism using genetic mouse models, focusing on the identification of early mechanisms that favor tumor development. His group has provided a thorough understanding of the role of several transcription factors in normal pancreas and PDAC, specially GATA6, HNF1A, and NR5A2. They have uncovered that lineage-specific transcriptional programs suppress intrinsic inflammatory signals. The group combines the use of genetic mouse models, organoids, and multi-omics data analysis to study the function of relevant genes/pathways. Paco loves collaborating and he has participated in several European and worldwide consortia He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of several institutions and charities and, most notably, a member of CRUK Discovery Research Committee and of the ERC Consolidator grant LS7 panel (until 2023).