
Hospital Beaujon AP-HP, University Paris-Cité, France

Alain Sauvanet

Hospital Beaujon AP-HP, University Paris-Cité, France

Pr Alain SAUVANET, 64y., was graduated from University of Paris in 1989 and qualified in General and Digestive Surgery in 1990. He is Professor of general surgery since 2001 in the Department of HPB Surgery and Liver transplantation of Hospital Beaujon – University Paris Cité (Chairman Pr Lesurtel). He is member of several scientific societies (French Association of Surgery, French Pancreatic Club, ENETS, IHPBA), reviewer for several journals (Ann Surg, Ann Surg Oncol, Br J Surg, HPB, J Am Coll Surg ..) and co-founder of the French university degree in medical-surgical pancreatology.His main topics are in the field of pancreatic surgery: surgery for IPMN and PNET, post-operative complications, functional results of pancreatic surgery, surgery for adenocarcinoma.He is author or co-author of 510 publications, including 37 in Annals of Surgery (H Index 1999-2023 = 94 [Scopus]).